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Author: Anna Marsh

How To Support Low Mood, Seasonal Affective Disorder & PMDD in Chronic Fatigue - Anna Marsh
Brain Health

How To Support Low Mood, Seasonal Affective Disorder & PMDD

Managing a low mood condition and a low energy condition simultaneously can be challenging. Mostly because the very nature of both leaves the individual under-resourced with energy and motivation to take the supportive actions required. 

However, the good news is that the underlying mechanisms are very likely interlinked and therefore you do not need a separate strategy for each component, supporting one may well support the other. 

Health can sometimes feel complex and confusing, which is why starting with basic foundations is also the best place to begin. As energy grows and mood lifts over time there may be more capacity to take on bigger challenges.

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Candida and Chronic Fatigue - Anna Marsh
Mold & Mycotoxins

How To Assess and Address Candida and Chronic Fatigue

Candida overgrowth can contribute to chronic fatigue through a combination of immune system suppression, toxin production, gut dysfunction, and inflammation. When Candida proliferates beyond its normal levels, it can lead to various symptoms that resemble chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) or contribute to ongoing fatigue. Learn how to assess and address Candida in the context of Chronic Fatigue.

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How To Create Stability in Chronic Fatigue Recovery
Blood Sugar

How to Create Stability in Chronic Fatigue Recovery

Stability is the first step in Chronic Fatigue Recovery. If you are someone experiencing a chronic illness such as CFS/ME, Long Covid, Post-Viral Fatigue, Vaccine Injury, Fibromyalgia or an autoimmune condition, you will be very familiar with the concept of energy crashes, symptom flares and post-exertional malaise (PEM) – all of which are symptoms of an unstable system. 

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How to follow a low histamine diet

How To Follow A Low Histamine Diet

A low histamine diet may be part of the solution for Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and histamine intolerance which can be part of the complex web of imbalances in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) and other chronic illnesses. This blog specifically is designed to help you implement a low histamine diet should you suspect that MCAS and /or histamine intolerance are a problem for you.

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MCAS Histamine Intolerance and Chronic Fatigue
Mold & Mycotoxins

MCAS, Histamine Intolerance and Chronic Fatigue

Mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and histamine intolerance may be part of the complex web of imbalances in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS/ME) and other chronic illnesses.

MCAS can be associated with pain, cognitive dysfunction, brain fog, sensitivity to light and sound or intolerance to chemicals and smells. Many of these symptoms, and more, go hand in hand with those who experience a chronic illness.

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Is Fasting Useful For Fatigue Recovery
Blood Sugar

Is Fasting Useful in Fatigue Recovery?

Fasting, in simple terms, is not eating for periods of time. If you are wondering whether this could be helpful if you struggle with chronic fatigue, CFS/ME or another chronic illness, the answer is: it depends. 

Can fasting be a useful tool in fatigue recovery? Absolutely yes!

Can it be detrimental when used inappropriately for the individual? Also yes. 

Therefore, my goal here is to help you understand the nuance and whether or not it could be appropriate for you.

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Can a Ketogenic Diet help Chronic Fatigue
Blood Sugar

Can a Ketogenic Diet help Chronic Fatigue?

If you have been wondering whether or not a ketogenic diet can help chronic fatigue then the short answer is: Yes and, it depends.

If you would like to understand whether or not a ketogenic diet may be appropriate for you and where you fit into the nuance of it all, then keep reading…

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How To Use Heart Rate Variability To Manage Chronic Fatigue - Anna Marsh
Nervous System

How To Use Heart Rate Variability To Manage Chronic Fatigue

Many people with Chronic Fatigue conditions like CFS/ME and Long Covid are turning towards technology, like Heart Rate Variability, to help them better manage their health, their nervous systems and support their recoveries.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is a biological marker that you can now measure using a watch or an app on your smartphone linked to a wearable device. If you can understand HRV, you potentially have valuable insight into the state of your autonomic nervous system and day to day fluctuating levels of resilience and capacity.

However, when it comes to harnessing the power of HRV in chronic illness generally and chronic fatigue more specifically, there is both an art and a science. Being able to understand and interpret data in a way that is meaningful to the individual is what can make or break the impact of the technology.

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