Burnout Recovery
With Anna Marsh
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Previous Episodes To Explore
Episode 60 - Malabsorption Syndromes and Fatigue Recovery

Chronic Fatigue can be the end point of a complex web of dysfunction leading to poor ATP production. Malabsorption Syndromes can be part of the web that needs to be untangled as someone works to improve their health, energy and wellbeing. In this episode Anna covers; what is a Malabsorption Syndrome and how might you identify if it is a problem for you? Causes of malabsorption syndromes and Anna’s own personal journey with overcoming chronic digestive issues and malabsorption.
Episode 59 - How To Lose Weight and Fatigue Recovery

Weight gain can be a common and often unwanted side effect of chronic illness. In this episode Anna discusses how to approach weight loss when you are well enough to actively pursue it. The episode starts with a recap of concepts discussed in episode 33, reasons why we gain weight when chronically unwell, and then branches off into discussion about non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT), resistance training, caloric maintenance, surplus and deficits and how to utilise these to your advantage. This episode is most appropriate for those who are at the tail end of their health journey and are able to give more attention to weight loss over and above other aspects of healing.
Episode 58 - Your “Can’ts” Are Your Clues in Fatigue Recovery

In this episode Anna discusses how trigger avoidance is the first step in fatigue recovery but when we stay at this stage, we stay stuck. Instead, Anna offers a narrative where our limitations can be our superpowers. If we can understand the mechanisms that are generating our most limiting symptoms, we can create our roadmap to better health. She includes examples of common things she she’s in her 1:1 practice.
Episode 57 - Brain Health - Diet, Lifestyle, Nutraceutical and Exercise Interventions

This is the second part of a two part series on brain health. In this episode Anna discusses diet, lifestyle, nutraceutical and exercise interventions to dampen neuroinflammation and support the health of your brain.
Episode 56 - Brain Injury, Brain Health and Chronic Fatigue

In this episode Anna digs deeper into brain injuries and neuroinflammation. If you are someone experiencing chronic fatigue, your support plan should consider the health of your brain. In this episode Anna explains the concept of glial cell priming and how it may impact brain health long term. Even if you do not have a known brain injury, this episode is worth a listen.
Episode 55 - Thriving as a Spoonie with Emily Fraser

Emily, also known as “The Spoonie Mentor” on instagram joins Anna on the podcast to talk about her personal journey recovering from a brain injury and post-concussion syndrome. They talk about pacing, belief systems, learning to rest and building a business as a spoonie.
Episode 54 - Restorative Yoga for Deep Rest with Charlotte Wightman

Charlotte was a busy Mum of 2, who’s perfectionist, helper and achiever behaviour patterns meant she pushed herself to breaking point. The flu was the final tipping point into CFS. Her recovery from CFS took 6 years and a multifaceted approach. The many tools of yoga were hugely helpful in her recovery and now she offers restorative and gentle yoga for others with energy challenges. In this episode Anna interviews Charlotte about her fatigue recovery journey and how she used gentle and restorative yoga as part of the process.
Episode 53 - Parasites and Chronic Fatigue

If you have ever wondered if parasites could be impacting your health and energy, this episode is for you. This episode focuses on intra-intestinal parasites, protozoa and helminths. Anna talks about how these infections can impact the immune system and whether or not we should intervene and address them. She covers testing options and how you may want to consider supporting your body if you suspect parasites could be a problem for you.
Episode 52 - Viral Infections and Chronic Fatigue

If you had a viral infection and have never felt the same since, this episode is for you. Anna discussed post-viral fatigue, reactivation of latent viruses (EBV) and recurring infections. She talks about what testing can be useful if you suspect that a virus is contributing to your clinical picture and most importantly, what to do about it. The goal is to make something that can seem complicated a lot more simple and straightforward and help you avoid common mistakes when addressing viral load.
Episode 51 - The Podcast is Having a Summer Holiday!

The podcast will be taking a little holiday over August. This is a quick episode where Anna shares some personal and business updates and explains the holiday and when you can expect the next episode.
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Hi, I’m Anna!
Online business owner since 2014, cat mum of two, ocean, food and chocolate lover, half mermaid, and CFS survivor!
I have more than 15 years experience in the health industry, a Masters Degree in Personalised Nutrition, and I am a fully certified and Trauma-Informed Functional Medicine Practitioner with the Institute of Functional Medicine.
Despite a lifelong interest in health, in 2016 CFS and mold illness turned my life upside down.
Always the achiever, being unwell was not an option I was prepared to settle for. I committed myself to finding out what I needed to be well. It changed me as a person and as a practitioner, and it changed how I run my business.
The fruits of my learnings are a combination of science, somatics, and neural-reprogramming used to help you find your spark again!

Take The Quiz

Ready to finally uncover your biggest roadblock when it comes to your chronic fatigue symptoms? Take the FREE Chronic Fatigue quiz below to start your fatigue recovery journey.
Ready To Work Together?
1:1 Functional Medicine Support
This option is perfect for you if you have a complex case and you need hands-on support to get to the bottom of your symptoms. You can expect…
- A deep dive into your health history and previous testing
- Functional Testing, supplements, diet and lifestyle changes that may help your case
- A personalised road map to recover your energy and health
- 1:1 Somatic Experiencing Support for your nervous system
- High touch intimate support so that you can feel fully held
Nurturing Resilience Group Program
- You have been clinically or self-diagnosed CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia, PoTS, burnout or any other low energy chronic dis-ease.
- You are looking for nervous system support alongside other healing modalities such as Functional Medicine / Nutritional Therapy.
- You feel you have enough resourcefulness and support to benefit from a group environment.
- You feel you've hit a plateau or you are stuck in your healing
- Custom review of your personal history, symptoms and previous test results
- Two private consultations; one for information gathering, one for strategy to move you forward
- A tailored roadmap with a custom approach for starting your fatigue recovery process
- Two weeks of email support for fine tuning as you begin your path
- Bonuses for additional support