Burnout Recovery
With Anna Marsh
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Previous Episodes To Explore
Episode 120 - Rest Is Not Regulation

Contrary to what many people think about Fatigue Recovery, we are not supposed to be calm all the time. Rest matters and we definitely need periods of the day and night where we feel calm, relaxed and at peace. However, Fatigue Recovery is ultimately about building capacity which means that we also have to come into contact with more challenging experiences so that we can rebuild.
Episode 119 - How To Have Better Mornings with Chronic Fatigue

Mornings with Chronic Fatigue can be tough. You are either wired and on edge, flat and sluggish or unrefreshed. In this episode Anna discusses each of these challenges, underlying causes from both a physiological and nervous system perspective and, most importantly, what you can do to support your body better so that you can get more from your mornings!
Episode 118 - How To Supplement If You Are Supplement Sensitive

Supplement sensitivity is common in Chronic Fatigue. In this episode we cover why some individuals may be sensitive to supplements. Things you can do to support yourself that do not require taking supplements and how you can intrdouce supplements slowly in a safe way!
Episode 117 - What Your Approach To Healing Says About Your Nervous System

In Chronic Fatigue Recovery, healing happens from a regulated place and yet our nervous system state also influences how we approach healing. This creates a chicken or egg situation where, approaching healing from a dysregulated place, can breed further dysregulation but approaching healing from a place of more regulation, enables more successful self-care. In this episode Anna described four different ways in which we can approach our healing and how this shows up practically.
Episode 116 - Mold Illness and Chronic Fatigue - Binders, Antimicrobials and Biofilm

The final stage of supporting Mold illness and Chronic fatigue is introducing Binders, Antimicrobials and Biofilm Disruptors. In this episode Anna talks recaps on the previous 3 episodes in this 4 part series. She then talk about introducing binders, including, what are binders and why do we take them? Possible side effects and things to watch out for. The importance of dosing slowly, especially if you are sensitive. What to do if you have a reaction and how long to take them for.
Episode 115 - Mold Illness and Chronic Fatigue - Supporting Detox and Drainage

Supporting Detoxification and Drainage is the second step when dealing with mold illness and chronic fatigue. This is the third episode in a series on Mold Illness and Chronic Fatigue. In this episode Anna talks about the importance of addressing digestive health and supporting healthy bowel movements, adding in sauna or sweating, lymphatic drainage and the importance of protein for liver support!
Episode 114 - Mold Illness and Chronic Fatigue - Mold Avoidance

Mould avoidance is the first step when it comes to dealing with mold illness and chronic fatigue. This is the second part in a series on Mold Illness and Chronic Fatigue. In this episode Anna talks about the importance of avoidance of mold. This includes how to test your home for mold and what to do if you are living in mold and you cannot get out immediately. Anna talks about dietary changes that can be supportive to reduce mycotoxin exposure from foods and generally increase resilience of organs such as the liver and kidneys.
Episode 113 - Mold Illness and Chronic Fatigue - Part 1

In this episode Anna discusses mold illness and chronic fatigue. She answers questions such as: What is mold illness? How are we exposed? What are the symptoms? How do I test for mold illness? What do I do if I get a positive test result?
Episode 112- How did I get here? Understanding the development of Chronic Fatigue

In this episode Anna explains the development of Chronic Fatigue using the understanding of the Mast Cell and the Cell Danger Response as a guide. She talks about how triggers and events can build up across a lifetime until the body becomes overwhelmed by its ability to cope. This very often is the point of no return. Healing is about returning to safety and little by little creating a greater sense of safety and resourcefulness in the system.
Episode 111 - Surgeries and Chronic Fatigue

In this week's episode of the Chronic Fatigue podcast Anna talks about surgeries and Chronic Fatigue. Specifically looking at how surgeries can be a single health changing event, similar to a viral infection or vaccination, and what we can do if we are already unwell and need to take an elective surgery.
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Hi, I’m Anna!
Online business owner since 2014, cat mum of two, ocean, food and chocolate lover, half mermaid, and CFS survivor!
I have more than 15 years experience in the health industry, a Masters Degree in Personalised Nutrition, and I am a fully certified and Trauma-Informed Functional Medicine Practitioner with the Institute of Functional Medicine.
Despite a lifelong interest in health, in 2016 CFS and mold illness turned my life upside down.
Always the achiever, being unwell was not an option I was prepared to settle for. I committed myself to finding out what I needed to be well. It changed me as a person and as a practitioner, and it changed how I run my business.
The fruits of my learnings are a combination of science, somatics, and neural-reprogramming used to help you find your spark again!

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Ready to finally uncover your biggest roadblock when it comes to your chronic fatigue symptoms? Take the FREE Chronic Fatigue quiz below to start your fatigue recovery journey.
Ready To Work Together?
1:1 Functional Medicine Support
This option is perfect for you if you have a complex case and you need hands-on support to get to the bottom of your symptoms. You can expect…
- A deep dive into your health history and previous testing
- Functional Testing, supplements, diet and lifestyle changes that may help your case
- A personalised road map to recover your energy and health
- 1:1 Somatic Experiencing Support for your nervous system
- High touch intimate support so that you can feel fully held
Nurturing Resilience Group Program
- You have been clinically or self-diagnosed CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia, PoTS, burnout or any other low energy chronic dis-ease.
- You are looking for nervous system support alongside other healing modalities such as Functional Medicine / Nutritional Therapy.
- You feel you have enough resourcefulness and support to benefit from a group environment.
- You feel you've hit a plateau or you are stuck in your healing
- Custom review of your personal history, symptoms and previous test results
- Two private consultations; one for information gathering, one for strategy to move you forward
- A tailored roadmap with a custom approach for starting your fatigue recovery process
- Two weeks of email support for fine tuning as you begin your path
- Bonuses for additional support