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Author: Anna Marsh

The Role of the Gallbladder in Chronic Fatigue

The Role of the Gallbladder in Chronic Fatigue

Gallbladder Dysfunction can be a possible contributing factor to the presentation of Chronic Fatigue. Chronic Fatigue is the consequence of poor energy availability, due to poor production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which happens in the mitochondria, the “energy factory” of the cell. There are multiple mechanisms by which the production of ATP can be impacted, and often in the case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), there isn’t just one mechanism, but several, all creating the same end result. The gallbladder plays a crucial role in the digestive system and overall metabolic function and therefore could be  one of those mechanisms in some, but not necessarily all cases. 

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digestion and fatigue
Digestive Health

Is Your Gut Health Making You Tired? The link between digestion and fatigue

If you are wondering if your gut health is impacting your energy levels, the short answer is yes.

The more complex answer is that there are many ways that your gut health can impact your energy. Understanding what digestive imbalances are specific and relevant to you, may help you further understand how you can support your energy by addressing your gut health.

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Chronic Fatigue Recovery - Where To Start
Blood Sugar

Chronic Fatigue Recovery – Where To Start?

A chronic fatigue experience or formal diagnosis is quite frankly, devastating. It can feel like every aspect of your life is falling through your fingertips. You are trying to hold everything together, process the inevitable grief and loss, understand your health care options and medical terminology, with the least amount of physical, emotional and mental energy. 

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Managaing Anxiety and Chronic Fatigue - Anna Marsh

How to Manage Anxiety and Chronic Fatigue

Anxiety and mood disorders often go hand in hand with chronic fatigue. It is not uncommon for those experiencing chronic fatigue to also struggle with their mental health. Understand the underlying mechanisms for anxiety and how you can address them by supporting stress resiliency and brain health.

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How to Create Optimal Circadian Rhythms for Fatigue Recovery

Fatigue recovery starts with building stability in the body. We want to reduce the sense of threat where possible and promote a greater sense of safety and, in doing so, cultivate more of a parasympathetic state which supports rest, recovery and repair. One of the ways we do this, is with Circadian Rhythms!

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Identify and Address Hypoglycemia in Chronic Fatigue
Blood Sugar

Hypoglycemia: How to Identify and Address Low Blood Sugar in Chronic Fatigue

Recovering from Chronic Fatigue, Chronic Fatigue Syndromes and Chronic Illness involves unpicking an often complex web of imbalances. Having a strategic approach which includes doing the right things in the right order, is essential for success. 

Establishing control over blood sugar is something that can make or break case outcomes and therefore, if patterns of dysglycemia are identified, this needs to be addressed before moving on to other things.

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