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No More Brain Fog!

After 4 weeks of following Anna’s Health Map I have incredible energy, no more brain fog, a reduction in cellulite and I am more empowered with an understanding of how my body works.

— CARA, 34  —

Burnout, Carer, Aberdeen

Despite being a total wellness geek I didn’t feel like I was getting results!

Three months into working with Anna I am empowered and in control. I had worked with Functional Medicine Practitioners in the past but I had never got to the root of the problem – Anna just got it straight out the gate!

— ANGIE, 50 —

Fatigue, Bloating and Menopause, Italy

From Boom and Bust to a Solid Baseline

Over 3-4 months of working with Anna, I went from having days at a time on the sofa to being able to get through my week with a solid baseline and get out of the boom and crash cycle.

— ELLEN, 33  —

CFS/ME, Empowerment Coach, Merseyside

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