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1:1 FUNCTIONAL MEDICINE Fatigue Recovery

An Intimate Trauma-Informed Approach For People Struggling With CFS/ME, Fatigue, Burnout, or Other Chronic & Complex Energy Problems.

Contrary to what your doctor may have told you; this doesn't have to be your new normal.

Diet, lifestyle and mindbody medicine can make a difference to your health and quality of life.

Take it from a team of Functional Health Practitioners (like us) who have learned to live through chronic symptoms and  and THRIVE.

If you’ve found yourself struggling with feelings of overwhelm, exhaustion, irritability or complete frustration because, no matter what supplements you take, how hard you meditate, or how much self care you do, you can’t seem to move past the constant brain fog and low energy that is eating away at your life…

If you’re starting to feel like only a shell of the person you used to be…

Take a deep deeeep breath. You’re not alone.

It’s time to move from just surviving to really thriving!



Fatigue recovery is not about doing ONE big thing. It happens when we do many little things that compound over time. 

Often what is missing is… A skilled practitioner team who know how to properly evaluate and manage a complex case. A team who really get what it means to experience a chronic and complex illness. A team that understands that it is a marathon, not a sprint, and therefore a long term intimate relationship is required so that you can feel fully held and supported in your healing journey. You can…
  • Have focus, mental clarity, and productivity that allows you to master your to-do lists in an intentional and grounded way.  


  • Experience the boundless energy that enables you to wake up refreshed and ready to take on the world without needing the extra shot of espresso.


  • Reignite your sense of aliveness and build the confidence and trust to say “Yes!” to life – because you know you’ll have the energy to keep up! 


  • Take the hot yoga class, go for a hike, lift weights in the gym and remember the joys of exercise again!


  • Follow your passions and purpose; build a business, excel in your career, be present for your family, travel, chase your hobbies and follow your joy!


  • Have the resilience and innate capacity to handle all that life throws your way without feeling overwhelmed, lost or stuck. Learn to embrace challenges with poise, perspective, and a new found sense of calmness.


  • Know with absolute clarity and certainty which protocols, supplements and lifestyle regimens are required to support your unique biochemistry – no more hours on google and wasted energy second guessing. 


  • Feel a true sense of balance and harmony across all aspects of your life. Continue to grow and expand, and have the energy to actually enjoy every minute of it.

Meet The Team

We are a team of Functional Medicine and Nutritional Therapy Practitioners with more than 20 years of experience combined.

We work with people experiencing complex and chronic illness including, but not limited to, unexplained fatigue, CFS/ME, Fibromyalgia, Long Covid and fatigue that often accompanies many autoimmune conditions.

What makes us different is that, we have once been where you are now. We know firsthand the challenges that come with a chronic illness experience and the devastating impact it can have on every aspect of your life. 

We also know that Chronic Illness can be an invaluable teacher. Our own unique journeys of health recovery have shaped us both personally and professionally and deepened the empathy and understanding we have for our clients.

Meet Anna

Functional Medicine Practitioner and Trauma Trained Nutritional Therapist

Anna has over 14 years of experience as a health care practitioner. She holds a Masters Degree in Personalised Nutrition, is a fully certified practitioner with the Institute of Functional Medicine and is currently enrolled in her advanced year of Somatic Experiencing. Anna holds several certificates with the Kharrazian Institute including Chronic Infections, Neuroinflammation, Autoimmunity, Diabetes, Mood and Anxiety Disorders and Hashimoto’s. 

Despite a long list of credentials and years of professional experience, it was Anna’s personal journey recovering from CFS/ME, Mould Illness, SIBO and Parasites that shaped the philosophy and systems that we use with our clients today. 

When Anna isn’t taking the next course to increase her skillset, listening to a podcast or reading a book to get the extra edge on helping her clients, she loves swimming in the ocean on the south west coast of England, hiking, training in the gym, eating chocolate, cooking up a storm and hanging out with her little black cats.

Meet Nikolina

Nutritional Therapist and SAFE & SOUND PRACTITIONER

Nikolina became passionate about nutrition and health after experiencing low energy, fatigue, and skin issues.

With a Masters in Nutritional Therapy from the University of Worcester, she is equipped to support her clients through personalised and evidence-based strategies. She has also completed logotherapy training in meaning-centered psychotherapy (by Viktor Frankl).

Her deep interest lies in the mind-body connection and the nervous systems impact on overall well-being. This led her to complete a year-long Compassionate Inquiry training with Dr. Gabor Maté and become certified as an SSP (Safe and Sound Protocol) practitioner by Dr. Stephen Porges. Nikolina believes that both mind-body work and nutritional therapy provide the best combination for approaching these challenges.

Outside of her practice, Nikolina enjoys spending her free time in cozy coffee shops, reading books, enrolling in new courses, and playing with her daughter.

Our goal is to empower our clients to thrive. We will walk alongside you and help you recover your health and improve your quality of life, as much as possible, given the landscape of your clinical prognosis.

Fatigue Recovery

A high touch intimate health optimisation journey for people ready to move the needle forward in their healing and reclaim their energy and aliveness. 

Our 1:1 Container is best for people who:

Our 1:1 Container is not for people who….


    • NutrEval
    • Stool Test
    • Dutch Complete Hormones with CAR
    • Mycotox Panel
    • Organic Acids

6 months together

Everything we do is personalised to your needs, your body, and your unique biochemistry. This means that each client has their own custom-made health optimisation road map. 

Functional Medicine is built on 4 pillars: client health history, client symptoms, testing data, and how the client responds to interventions. Each phase length and exact protocols depend on the client’s experience; thus, we are always adjusting and refining our approach to best suit your unique needs.

Phase 1

Information Gathering

(Weeks 1-2)

In this phase we will set strong foundations.

Phase 2


(Weeks 2-8)

Energy is built from a place of stability; therefore, you’ll spend the first 8 weeks addressing the foundations of good health. Moving forward you’ll speak with your practitioner on a monthly basis and have up to 90 minutes of email support available between calls. This phase may include:

Phase 3

Fine Tuning (Weeks 8-20+)

By now your practitioner should have the results from your tests and you’ll be using some of your calls to discuss results and create a tailored nutrition, lifestyle, and supplement plan. 

Exactly what you do here will depend on your case, chief complaints and unique imbalances.

Here are some examples:

  • Supporting detoxification and drainage
  • Supporting immune system
  • Managing autoimmunity
  • Addressing digestive imbalances
  • Repleting depleted nutrients
  • Increasing antioxidants and supporting PEM
  • Addressing infections like parasites, mould or bacteria
  • Supporting your adrenal glands
  • Addressing hormonal imbalances associated with perimenopause, PCOS, heavy periods, menstrual migraine or amenorrhea in women or low testosterone in men 


Your practitioner will be holding your hand every step of the way with your regular calls, email support, and adjusting the plan as your body responds.

Phase 4

Maintenance (Weeks 20-24+)

Let’s be 100% honest; depending on how long you have been struggling and the complexity of your case, 24 weeks is a very short space of time.

But, if you have really committed yourself to your health across the past 5 months, you should be feeling a lot more grounded and clear on what you really need to do to look after yourself long term. 

We like to call this phase the “chop wood, carry water” stage of change.

We create new habits through repetition and that can sometimes feel a little boring, but it is an essential part of the process. 

In this final phase, your practitioner will be making sure you have all your bases covered so that you can begin to go it alone.

And don’t worry: if after all this time you still don’t feel fully ready to fly the nest just yet. 

You can talk with your practitioner about a continued relationship. They’ll create an ongoing support schedule that allows you to become increasingly independent over time


Our clients hire us to be the project manager of their health recovery journey. Working with our team means that you will save considerable amounts of time by eliminating guesswork, research, and potential wrong turns.

The benefit of our 6 month 1:1 package is that everything is taken care of and all you have to do is focus on taking the actions you need to be well.

We would love to give you a specific time investment but if we did, we would run the risk misguiding you.

This is a personalised process and therefore each client has their own unique strategy.

How much time you will need to invest in implementing that strategy will depend on how much time you are willing and able to invest without overwhelming your nervous system. This means, your practitioner will support you to make changes at a pace that is manageable for where you are right now.

Anything faster than this would hinder your progress and be counterproductive.

If you are anything like most of our clients,  you will be willing to do whatever it takes, within reason, to get there.

We have a team of practitioners and your investment will reflect their level of experience. All cases are overseen by Anna which means, even if you are working with a junior practitioner, you will still receive the same standard of care that all our clients receive. 

This means you’ll not only have the eyes of our trained and esteemed junior practitioner on your case, but also feel confident knowing there are two pairs of eyes overseeing the nuances of your unique case and collaborating on how to best support you in your process.

The investment for 6 months is between £2000 and £4800 depending on who you work with and your needs. A monthly payment plan is available.

To understand which option is best for you, please complete an application and book an enrolment call.

We offer a wide variety of Functional and Conventional Laboratory Tests. The costs of testing is not included in your package price but wherever possible we aim to offer discounts on testing to reflect trade price. 

Tests frequently ordered included:;

  • NutrEval by Genova Diagnostic
  • Dutch Complete Hormones with CAR by Precision Analytical
  • GI Effects Comprehensive Stool Profile by Genova Diagnostic
  • MycoTox Panel by Mosaic (Formerly Great Plains Laboratories)
  • Cyrex Arrays for Autoimmunity


You may be referred to your doctor for blood work or you can choose to use a private company such as Medichecks.

Somatic Experiencing® is a mindbody therapy that you can choose to include in your package if you feel that you would benefit from more support for your nervous system.

Somatic Experiencing® is a pioneering body-based approach to overcoming trauma, shock and other stress disorders.

It is the life’s work of American psychotherapist Dr. Peter A. Levine, combining the fruits of his study of stress physiology, psychology, ethology, biology, neuroscience, indigenous healing practices, and medical biophysics alongside over 45 years of successful clinical application.

The SE approach aims to safely release traumatic shock ‘frozen’ in the body at times of overwhelm, allowing for a natural transformation of both PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early childhood trauma.

SE offers a way to explore where a person is “stuck” in the stressful fight, flight or freeze responses, and provides practical clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states. It teaches simple, effective skills that mobilise the body’s innate self-healing systems – the same physiological processes that mend broken bones and fight disease.

SE® doesn’t focus on talking about or reliving trauma, rather it listens to and uses the ‘voice’ of the body referred to as the felt sense and manifesting in SIBAM elements (sensations, impressions, behaviours, affect and meaning).

Examples of this ‘voice’ would be physical sensations such as warmth, tingling, and contraction. Paying attention to these sensations moment-to-moment supports the powerful self-healing mechanisms we are born with to do their miraculous work. Trapped stress energy can be safely discharged, helping to restore equilibrium to the nervous system.

The SE® process is supported by ‘resources’, unique to the client. Resources bring about a sense of safety and goodness to the body and mind, and can be internal e.g. sense of humour, your back’s contact with the chair, or external e.g. an object in the room, a much-loved family member, a place.

By working slowly, step by step, in this way, the distressing cycle of symptom escalation can potentially be reversed, and you can gain a steady confidence in your ability to work with the trauma in a safe, conscious and life-affirming way.

SE® is as much a life education as a therapy. You can expect to learn why your mind and body are behaving the way they are, and how you can support them in working together to create new, healthy patterns.

What to Expect from an SE Session?

The aim of the SE Practitioner is to act as an impartial, non-judgmental and compassionate support to help you feel safe, and facilitate the release of trauma through your body.

You will not be asked to tell your ‘story’ or examine the past. Instead, you will be guided to gently release physical tensions, emotions and energy related to the trauma as they arise in the session, at a pace, and in a way that best supports you to return to a natural state of wellbeing and readiness for life.

Typically, you will sit comfortably, be given time to settle, and then asked what issue you’d like to work with.

You’ll then be guided to consciously explore – without judgement – related physical sensations, feelings, thoughts and images as they arise.

Through this simple moment-to-moment process – called tracking – it’s possible for highly charged stress energy in your body to be properly engaged and released naturally.

Examples of this discharge include tingling, warmth, and involuntary muscle movements such as twitching, gut gurgling, or yawning.

The result of this often subtle mobilisation can be immediate: the trapped survival energy at the root of your symptoms is freed, allowing a new relaxation to establish deep in your body and mind.

Due to the high demand for our services we require an initial  payment at the time of booking your first initial intake consultation. Instalments are paid monthly based on a monthly basis thereafter.  

The client is responsible for full payment of fees for the entire program, regardless of whether the client completes the program. 

To further clarify, no refunds will be issued and full payment of fees are required whether the client completes the program or not. The client is required to pay the fees without set off or deduction. 

In the event the client wishes to cancel the service before its completion, you agree to contact outlining any hardships or difficult circumstances that prevent continuing. 

Requests will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Chronic Illness is complex and unique to the individual; therefore, guaranteeing a specific result in a specific timeframe would be misleading. 

After a thorough assessment in your initial intake  consultation, your practitioner will be able to discuss expectations with you. 

Health is built in layers through a combination of individual appropriate strategies which are implemented consistently over time. The strength of Functional Medicine is built on the following pillars: client case history, client symptoms, testing data, and client response to interventions.

This means that the individual is responsible for applying the actions suggested and their response informs further decision-making. This process can take time and it is important to be patient and understand that lack of progress or even regression can be part of the recovery process.

Book an enrolment call after completing the application.


We get it, we truly do.

We know the frustration and despair that comes when fatigue pulls the handbrake up on your life. 

It is like dust. 

It sneaks into every nook and cranny of your existence and wherever you turn, it is getting in the way, slowing you down, and holding you back. 

We also know that there is a way out of this.

It will be anything but easy and you will need patience and persistence. 

And yes, we know that this doesn’t sound fun or sexy, but in reality, what are the alternatives?

Stay the same and continue as you are? Jump from practitioner to practitioner, supplement to supplement, or protocol to protocol?


Go all in and work with one of our team. Someone who can see the bigger picture, hold your hand, and guide you out of the dark one step at a time.

There is a whole new life waiting for you on the other side. 

One where you can experience more aliveness, presence, and a renewed love of life!  

Let’s walk this path together. One foot in front of the other.

And slowly, bring you back to life.

We can’t wait to meet the new you on the other side of this journey.

Until then, we’re only an email or application away

Talk soon,

Anna Marsh Team xxx

The most recent LIVE workshop was 24th january 2024. The good news is that it was recorded and you can watch the replay. Enter your details below.

Watch the Replay